Hello .everyone .today I am share my experiance with myntra.com .It is a online shoping sites.the customer service is little be slow but I am satisfy .
The most important thing is that the product quality is soooo good .i am happy with myntra and thanks full for the doing a good job .the quality of this product is so good .
Delivery process is little be slow .it may be take some time but I dont care it.i have need just my product quality is good .
Myntra app is a high rated apps .the are give discount coupan which help ous reduce price for shoping.
The liability is good for there customers .if we are face any problem issue than are always help us.
I had order a jeans from myntra.com
The productquality is very good only one problem is if the reduce little be price of there product than its help us for shoping form myntra.
So overall experience I give 3 out of 5 rating