I was looking for a Tonino Lamborghini perfume and incidentally found this online site. With a fairly good design, I found a near perfect online experience. I ordered for many other things besides the said perfume. It was 27th of March and I was excited to see 24 hour shipment(do not see now).This exitement lasted even when I saw the shipment with number was shown on 28th in my orders.
It was unbelievable for me since my order of about Rs.4000/- was after the adjust ment of 15% of on one order for more than 2000 and 250/- each coupons for two other orders. Look at me . with branded product home delivered, Cash on delivery, fair pricing, no shipment cost, 800 rupee off on the whole purchase. who will not be happy.
Me and my spouse were to be out of home on 29th and I saw the shipment status of first and third orders and thought it will be proper to check with the helpline to check on the expected time of delivery. I also had to check as to why the second order(only paid order) is not showing the shipment status while other cash on delivery orders were showing shipped. She was very much on Frech, German and Spanish in terms of her understanding and explanation. Unfortunately the only foreign language I know is english. She told me about some confusion in order updation and their internal policy. blah blah.
I do not know what this "Myntra Logistics" animal is and what to do with the Tracking number. The lady on call had decided to go overboard to prove why should nt she get the noble prize on literature. This is my first horrible experience with MYNTRA where I was completely confused about my questions.
The only thing I came to know is that someone will call me before coming to deliver the packets.
I sent a mail to the given mail id with eagerness to get a revert. I was told that the venture was started by some IIT/IIM guys(no idea if they are drop outs). My mail was not answered.
On 7th day(2nd April) afternoon I got a call asking me if any one is at home to receive the packet. With 3000 as COD there was also a 1000 paid order. I called my spouse to rush(Bhag DK Bose way) to receive the packets.
At 3 pm on 7th day I was smiling with the orders. Not that the products were good, but I was not having any confidence that I am going to receive these.
As I am in Delhi, I do not have scarcity in shopping malls to buy any branded products. I am equally sure that they are not going to get orders from rural folks eiter. All I wanted is a quick delivery of the ordered items with a clear update / communication on consignment status or/and a response to my mail if I fail to get a good response from the given call executive number.
Myntra failed misarably on these count. As I am penning down my thought on the day of receipt of packer, I somehow feel the items are ok type.
I think these guys(the senior members) need to work for minimum 3 months at Flipkart to know the art of online business. Bye the way I am a regular online shopper from ebay, flipkart, homeshop18 etc and this is possibly the worst experience yet.
For the fellow MSians, a word of caution:
shop from Myntra only if:
you dont get a specific item easily anywhere
you are not in a hurry and you have some one at home always
you want to by only COD
you dont bother on the response or update