I recently ordered an Asics GT 2160 and received it after a few days - but they sent a size 9 instead of the size 8 which I ordered. I sent an email to their customer service asking them to send me the correct size, the customer service replied saying that they do not have a replacement policy, and that I wound need to send the package back for a store credit NOT a refund(which would mean that I would have to continue play order roulette with them - order size 8 again receive size 7, return it, order size 8 again receive, ), with a complicated set of instructions. They did not acknowledge that they had sent me the wrong size, neither did they offer to pay for the cost of couriering it back to them, forget all the hassle involved in doing so.
Pathetic, is the least I can say about this site trying to establish an online customer oriented business - when they can please the few customers that are testing them out for efficiency reliability. I could not be bothered to sending the shoe back for the refund so I am just going to write off my the 4000 odd rupees that I spent on these shoes and never ever buy anything from them again. They have a long, very long way to go if they want to succeed in what they are trying to do - and I am pretty sure they are doomed for failure since they cant get their act together.
I cannot believe that they sent me the size 9 by mistake, in all probability they found they did not have a size 8 and sent the size 9 thinking that the customer might just accept it. I will can never think of purchasing anything from these guys again - what if I decide to order an XL Tshirt and they decide to send me an XXL one! Total stupidity. Little do they know what they are doing - totally destroying their credibility, maybe trying to scale up fast, make a quick buck but missing the basics for long term success which isCUSTOMER SATISFACTION.
The experience at myntra.com is a far cry from my experiences with amazon.com - from where I make regular purchases. On my last purchase of pair of mid hiking boots I realized after placing the order that I had placed an order for the wrong size(I made an error in converting US to UK size) - I tried to cancel the order and for some reason I could not do so. After contacting customer support they were so apologetic that I could not cancel my order (neither could they cancel the order) they gave a$15 credit to my account and asked me to just to refuse the courier when it came and refunded the amount charged to my credit card before the courier arrived at my place with the boots. See the difference between the so called wannabees myntra.com and amazon.com.
Anyway once bitten twice shy and I will put down my loss of approx 4000 to a learning and educating experience and never again venture to purchase anything from myntra.com again.