This has been the most awful experience ever!
Im a regular E - Shopper and have never had any issues with delivery with Flipkark, Snapdeal, Amazon or another portal I order from.
The delivery staff was rude, mean and abusive when I said I wanted to swipe the card, a facility which all of them offer. He called me stupid and left.
I called the customer service and informed them of this and they said their usual "Im sorry, it wont happen again" . I told them this is a issue of security and had asked them to treat this seriously as I stay by alone.
This happened the second time and the same person came back, I told him not to come to my residence ever and closed the door, Again made a long 10 minute call to their call center.
A few days later, I got a message saying that the same person is coming to my residence. I called and informed the call center ( third time) and still the same guy landed at my door step, yet again. By now, thanks to MYNTRA, the rogue knows my name, number and address by heart.
Today for the fourth time, they send the same guy, who on a beautiful Sunday morning, throws my parcel at my doorstep and walks away without even bothering to get my signature on the acknowledgement and says "Do what you can do, we will see"
My 4th Complaint call to MYNTRA ! I tried cancelling all orders and definitely an FIR will be logged against the executive and the company, for my own security reasons.
MYNTRA is some great service provider.