Myntra is a best shopping address for brands.
It provides 100% genuine brand products at cheaper price.Myntra has a maximum no of brand collection of clothing and shoes.
Customer Service : -
Myntra has a very good customer service, It has a 24×7 helpline number and its customer executives always ready to help their customers.They solves each and every problem of the customers as fast as possible.Email helpline is also so helpful and easy to use.Emails are answered so early and quick .
Product Quality : -
Myntra gives 100% genuine product at a genuine rate.Its product Quality is always awesome.
Delivery Time : -
Myntra delievers its product in exact time of scheduled delievery date most of times.
Sometimes on end of season sale its takes some more days to reach.
App & Website ; -
Myntra has a very well designed app and website too.Its has multi sign in options like Fb and more.But on time of season it takes some extra time to respond or sometimes its not responding due to server load.Otherwise its a better experience to use its App and website too.
Reliability : -
Myntra is most reliable shopping brand in term of its Product quality and no of products.
Some of people thinks it takes extra 5% tax on clothing and 14% on footwears.For their kind information I wish to inform them that every shopping brand add this tax to their products but they add this tax in their MRP or Price after discount and Myntra did it after that price.