Myntra is the best site for shopping Branded stuffs and the product provided by them is 100% genuine and original. But the best part of this site is when sales and offer come in this site in which you can get branded stuff in cheaper rates . I bought so many branded stuffs of Nike, Puma, Adidas etc in end of seasons or year sales and that was to cheap as compare to original price .Here is the hack to get the product which you want to buy but due to your internet connection or competition between the peoples who are wish to buy the same product which you want, you are unable to get . So before the sale Myntra disclose the discounted amount price of the product so by viewing that product which you want add it to wish list and add more products also after some time you will get one message about gateway of some half an hour time before sale .Which I got 2 hours before sale and I use that gateway and buy the product which I wanted and remove the extra product from cart which I added to get that gateway message . Hope this review will help the needy.