I Really like online shopping but finding good clothing online which fits you and getting the product which you have selected is difficult. when I come you now about Myntra from my friends that this website have varieties of branded cloths for all categories, I thought lets buy some of my cloths from myntra I found that they have large no. of International brands in clothing. Myntra.com is mainly a Cloths and Accessories eCommerce website.
Their customer service is really good as I have personally brought all of my cloths from Myntra whenever I found any difficulty, I called their customer care and they provided me the solution. If you want return or wanted to replace so after confirming for replace or return, they provide their services faster than any other shopping websites in india, what I have experienced.
First time when I brought cloth from myntra I was worried how long they take to deliver but next day I got the delivery As of now whenever I brought cloth from myntra the delivery is before the time they mentioned so I can say they provides the timely delivery of your goods.
In Myntra you will get what you choice, their is no difference in product quality, color and brand.
As you go to the myntra website it does not take time in loading and also you will experience faster response of your searches . Their website is colorful and have the good graphical user interface.
Myntra have their Application which I usually use in my phone and I did not find anything goes wrong with the App.
Myntra have made their place in india and as well as in international market.
Tried this once and I will ensure you that you will get the same experience as mine.