First of all I would like to mention that I tried patiently to resolve the issue with Myntra support but they are in no mood to resolve my issue.
I ordered Nike Flip flops from and as promised they provided tracking details of the shipment in about 48 hrs from when the order was placed. I was eagerly waiting for the shipment and soon enough the Package arrived at my residence.
I open up the package and to my surprise I find a pair of miniature size(RED color) puma canvas shoes instead of my Nike FlipFlops. What do I do? Pick up the phone immediately and call Myntra Support. I select all the correct options on the IVRS and it says " your call will be attended in less than 1 minute". I wait and wait listening to the same story for more than 20 minutes, it once said " press 1 if youd like us to call back", I select that option and never received a call all day.
Called back the next day and the same old story keeps playing again. Called 3-4 more time to no avail. Picked up their Support email id and wrote a nice mail along with my phone number that they shipped the wrong product, ask them to have the package picked. No one reponds in 24 hrs so I send a reminder.
No one responds on 24 hrs again and then suddenly I receive an interesting reply. Guess what?
" We apologize for the delay delivery.We understand your concern and like to inform you that as per AFL(A Fedex Company) courier the products has been delivered to you. Hope you have received the product and happy with it."
Guess their support does not understand English too. I blast another mail and get a call in a couple of hrs. The lady politely tells me that she is sorry for the wrong product being shipped. Confirms that my city is Hyderabad and tells me that they do not have reverse pickup service in my city so I have to ship back the package to Bangalore at my own expense.
Now, the only reason I bought the product online was because there was marginal discount and shipping was free. I already spent enough money on the long STD phone calls to their support number. Why should I spend more money if it was them who made a mistake and shipped the wrong product. "No reverse pickup in a Metro like Hyderabad", pathetic.
I just informed the lady that she can forget about my order since I have no interest in spending more money. God knows what theyll send me next time, Lingerie? I just thanked the lady for calling me and providing some wonderful service.
Hope my review is helpful to many others who are planning to buy stuff from Myntra. All the best.