I hate love stories, especially hindi love stories because they are all the same. This one, although it was a love triangle like portrayed in every other hindi movie there is, was good. I liked it because the director made it clear that it is not the looks that should make people fall in love but their ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Saif Ali Khan liked Esha Deol for her looks and at the end he lost the battle. Hritick Roshan loved Esha Deol not because he was physically attracted to her, but because her mind matched with his. He hadnt even seen her picture before and yet still loved her for who she was not because she was attractive. If only Saif Ali Khan was left out of the movie, it would be the best love story India has produced after Umrao Jaan. Anyways, I really dont care what others think about this movie or all the other movies I like because everyone is different and therefore has their own opinions.