Srinu’s story starts as we watch the beautifully etched frames on the silver screen; but my review starts as I look at the glass full of water. As I look, I imagine a man’s mind going down the depths of the water. And as I imagine, I narrow my thought to the man’s love interest. The most unchangeable is the change; the most changeable is the mind.
AT THE SURFACE: As the mind floats on the surface………….. Srinu experiences his first love. The word ‘love’ itself is exciting. Love is tender. Love is nice. But it ends, as it lacks the reason to go ahead.
Meanwhile, the mind moves down the water. It learns to reason the things it goes through.
BELOW THE SURFACE: As the mind totters in between the surface and depths……… Srinu has a reason to fall in love. She is an Angel. And the Angel’s love for him is the very reason why he gets mad about her. Love is madness. Love is an Adam-Eve relationship. But it ends, as it lacks the courage to go ahead.
The mind moves deeper. While making an attempt to exist amidst the struggles of life, it gathers all the courage it can.
DEEPER: As the mind moves deeper…………. Srinu goes through the tough lessons life has got to deliver. He experiences the support a woman can offer him. He has all the reason and courage to fall in love with the woman who guides him to success. Love is mutual understanding. Love is mutual respect. But it ends, as it lacks a favorable fate to take it ahead.
The mind moves …………….
AUTOGRAPH – The film: The mind moves down, until it reaches the bottom. It wants to rest and before it does so, it looks back at all the journey it went through………… Srinu gets married with all his SWEET MEMORIES around him. Destiny Decides Destination.
THE LAST LINES: Every experience is an equally sweet memory because every drop of the water in the glass is as pure as the other; the difference is only in the depth. This is how my review ends. And so does the film.