I ordered a helicopter day before yesterday and same day I got the delivery but when me and my husband were making it fly for my 2 year old son, it just suddenly went on the wall , got struck and fell directly on my son’s head . As the chopper’s plates were too sharp and sharper when revolving, it’s risky overall.
So even though any adult is flying it you can’t guarantee. Now when since today morning I was getting calls from naaptol, I requested them I want a return, my calls were being forwarded twice and at the end the person called Amit Kumar said, “This is your personal problem , we can’t refund”.
How insensitive comment is this!
DO NOT BUY HELICOPTER RATHER ANY PRODUCT FROM NAAPTOL. Fake site , you just buy , they will send it rightway and just forget to refund if any problem arises.
Also while ordering when I asked that lady if they are giving one free if we buy free as that offer was there , she said no , there was no such order. And very clearly we had seen that offer on TV.