I had ordered from Naaptol.com on Cash on Delivery( Order no 2967183). The courier boy insisted to pay first and then open the product! After paying once I open the box, I came to know immediately by looking only that product was already used one! Not only that I came to know that product is faulty too!
When I asked the money back from the courier, he said pls call the helpdesk number and he can not refund the money as the box was opened!. On complaint I was told to send back the product to their warehouse and will refund the money.
Which I did immediately but Its more than one I month I am following up for the refund! but no refund till date!
They have built a nice story also on refund.
On regular followup, one day I came to know that refund cheque is issued and dispatched. When I did not get the cheque almost after 10 days. they showed me some screenshot from from shitty courier service(QUANTIUM COURIER) that it was dropped in my letterbox! Pls note that I am staying in the same place for last 4 years and never misplaced any documents/letters till now. But strange enough this refund cheque was misplaced!
On informing them again and again. but no result. I have NOT RECEIVED THE REFUND YET
I am interacting with the following people almost thrice in a week but all are good in writing story and Requesting my patience in the interim!
Jignesh Gangapuram;Rakesh Naidu; rachna.demblanaaptol.comMahesh Gaikwad; kalpita.charinaaptol.com divya.susainaaptol.comsupportnaaptol.com
Pl remember before ordering anything on NAAPTOL.COM until and unless you want to get cheated like me!