I was just surfing online for a time pass when I landed in this site, I liked the products displayed so much that I could not resist ordering three sarees from this site. I was very happy as I had ordered very nice deal. but back home my hubby requested me to cancel the two products and keep one. I called up there customer care to do so, & was processed easily & I was given cancellation number also. I was very happy with the response as I had read a lot of bad things about this site online.
After 8 days, I logged in this site to see the status of my product and I found that they have cancelled one saree, shipped one & kept on hold for dispatch the third one. I tried to track the shipped order but it said AWP no. not found online tracking. I thought my money is gone. I called up there customer care & the lady said " maam, please wait for the product to be delivered and then you refuse and reship it to us then we will send you refund" I was so angry I called up at least 15 times each time same response. I asked her to pass the phone to senior bt she will not do so. then I wrote an email to CEO of naaptol.
I got no response till evening. again I called up their C.Care dept. and I told that girl if she will not pass the call then I will file legal case for mental & financial harassment. Immediately, a senior came on phone the order was cancelled, refund processed, I got the reply of my mail in next two hours. I got the delivery of my saree in two days & I like the saree. It is worth the price I paid. So I will say, they customer care needs to improve like anything.
Hope naaptol understands it and take steps for it.