The voting pattern itself is incorrect form of selecting the best !!!
When a person is voted innumerous times by his/her familiy members/relatives , then it is quite obvious anyone with less talent and more black money can buy this title!!
In other reality shows also , it happened earlier like Debojit from Assam in sa re ga ma ( Zee Tv) won the title because of region based voting.
Anyone with little knowlege in singing could say Vinit ( the other finalist) was much more better than Debojit.. but who cares?
By the time genaral public realised what went wrong , Tv channel show organisers and mobile network companies earned as much as they can thru sms voting .
pls dont vote and waste your hard earned money .!!! who will gain ? Only the Tv show organisers and mobile network companies ! They are infact cheating the viewers...they .try all possible ways to attract general public and asking them to send sms
Just think ...30 lacs votes recd last week ...sms cost avg =Rs 2/ , ie. Rs 60 lacs earned only thru sms.. You can simply watch and enjoy the show BUT dont vote ...
dont encourage public voting ...only professionals in that similar feild can be the best judge... we have lot of emotional public in India ...What Nach baliye Manav -Shewta has done is nothing new... but only that they were the first who were caught think twice ....
so think twice .before sending sms ...