Vision, the ability to see, to feel the bright part of the world, to touch and feel moreover it’s all about how you perceive the world. The sun is the brightest thing we have ever seen, its considered to be the source of light, it gives us the sense of vision else in the darkness we all are blind. Do u realize when we wake up in the morning after a sound sleep, we dare not to look towards the sun, imagine someone looking towards it after a sound sleep of 20 years. The same Sun, who gives us life can make us blind when we don’t obey his rules, yes I am talking of the Solar Eclipse, when its there you are not advised to go in sun and look direct towards it.
Naina is all about the vision, it’s a question mark on this ability of ours to see this beautiful world but she never imagined that it would become a curse for her. This is a story of a five years old pretty girl who looses her eyesight on a day of solar eclipse and at the same time her parents met with a freak accident in London. She struggles with the life, a deep and scary darkness after a bright phase of the life that was very short.
Twenty years later, she is bestowed with the gift of sight. Thanks to the marvels of modern science, a cornea implant brings her vision back. And now with the new vision she feels a new world again, the brightest phase of her life starts again, but is it going to last long? Is it a curse or a blessing, her vision has come back, but still she feels to die, she wants the same darkness again. She starts seeing the supernatural things, the world of dead and death, and the world of evil, destruction, and sin.
Urmila has again given a thrilling performance in this movie, we cant forget her performance in the Jungle, Bhoot, Ek Haseena Thi, so here on we wait for her new number in the queue of hits.
The background music in the movie is eerie and scary that pierces the ears and goes deep into the soul leaving an echo within to feel when we are alone, it gives us the sense of a feel as to how does it feel when you are cursed by your own vision. The spirits, weird faces, and the phantoms in the movie create a shock and near to death feel within us, it’s thrilling.
The interiors in the movie are also well designed; the blue frame and dark interior help create a horror theme in the movie.
At the last what I feel with the reviews and the readings about the movie is that the movie is all about a young woman trying to find the answers to these supernatural mysteries. But will she succeed?
All your queries will be solved, just watch the movie on First Day First Show, otherwise I will whisper the story in your ears…
With Luv,