I tried NAIR for the first time many years ago on my legs. What I got was an unpleasent odor, red bumps, itchy skin, dry skin, and just as much hair as before I put it on my legs! I waited many years before trying the product again and this is what I found this time around..
I read the instructions carefully, tested it on the skin of my inner wrist, no reaction..Good to go. So I spread the lotion evenly over my left leg (NOT doing both at the same time this time!) and while I was waiting for the called for amount of time (20 minutes)
I realized thet the unpleasent odor from years ago was not there.(Was this a good sign?)
The clock ticked away, 5 more minutes to goand then it began! Oh my, the itching is starting again, so I washed the NAIR off my leg and lo and behold there were the little red bumps, the itchy, dry skin and all the hair I started with!!!
I think all they did was change the fragrance, not the formula. But, this time I didnt waste my $5.29, I marched back to the drug store and got a refund. I then sat down and wrote a letter to the manufacturer. About 10 days later I got a letter back saying they were sorry that I didnt like the product and enclosed was a coupon for $1.50 off my next purchase of **NAIR! Like Id ever try it again! HA
*I guess chemicals arent the way to go for getting rid of unwanted hair. I dont know exactly what the chemicals are and I dont really care to know anymore!
For me, I guess Ill stick to my good old razor and shaving cream. No odor, no bumps, no dry, itchy skin. Just smooth legs.