Nalapad Academy started by Mr N A Harris have recently hired an Excellent Principal in Ms Kavita Sinha.Despite this and all her efforts to set things right at the School she has a monumental task ahead of her .
Vendors and Suppliers have not been paid in Years. If they go overboard and demand payments, Mr Harris threatens them .
Teachers hired prior to Ms Kavita are mediocre
New teachers who the Principal wants to hire refuse to join as the pay scales are below industry standards
No new facilities have been added. No vendors will even think of supplying any material to the school unless they are connected politically, to collect their money in " other ways "
The number of children in the school after 3 years if below par
The administration on non academic areas are run by Mr harris and his son( the pub fight fiasco fame) who run it as their personal political preserve .
Its just a question of time before the Principal gets fed up and quits