Books are our best friends. The proverb is absolutely true. And the first book I started on was Nancy drew. Nancy drew is an amateur detective of eighteen in River Heights who can solve any mystery.Carolyn Keene writes good books. Each book is of different kind of story. But they all are mystery stories as to the taste of the 21st century youngsters. My favourite book of Carolyn Keenes Nancy Drew is The Mystery Of The Ivory Charm.
It was this book I read with full of zeal. It was this book which made me whirl and curl in my chair.It was this book which made me feel jittery and it was this book which made my flesh creep.It was this book which made me feel very much sad when Coya was abducted as though Coya was my own brother. It was this book which brought tears in my eyes .It was this book which brought big big smiles in my eyes in the climax.It was this book which pulled me inside like black hole.
The book was simply great. Coya is a small boy of ten, working in a circus. I am a very patriotic girl. I am a girl who is full of passion and fire. If I truly like something Ill like it very much. So when I read that Coya was an INDIAN my happiness knew no bound and my interest also went up till zenith. It is of course not the only reason. Even if Coya wasn’t an Indian I’d have liked the book. One day in the railway station, a snake curled around Nancy’s neck. Coya comes with his master and takes the snake off her. Coya gives Nancy an ivory charm saying that it possesses great value for it has a magic power. Coya later flees away from his circus master to Nancy and tells her that he is the prince of a kingdom and that his master and a few enemies are trying to steal the charm and the kingdom. Nancy educates Coya for he cannot speak english very well.She also gives him food and shelter. Coyas master tries to pull the rug from the under of Coyas feet.Ofcourse the master is a perilous ogre.Coya gets abducted twice in the story. Nancy takes the bull by the horn to save him. At the end Nancy realizes that a truth lies behind what Coya said about the charm. Its a wonderful book.
So don’t wait too long. Go immediately to the shop and buy this book.A ROOM WITHOUT A BOOK IS A BODY WITHOUT A SOUL.And let this book also be one among all your book.