Long story short : **==
30+ mentally unstable adult and 10yr kid share a road trip adventure in search of their rRajeev_Vermactive mothers. In this adventurous journey they meet various characters in daily life. Happiness, Sorrow, Search and Bonding all comes in.
On Cast and Crew :
Cast :
Other than two protagonists there is another character which is the soul of the movie i.e Music aka Mr.Raja himself. Damn Mottai gave me goosebumps every minute. Whenever there isnt any dialogue, music strolls with the viewer like mom taking her kid. Though Myshkin in his interviews states he wants only to direct movies and not acting. I daresay any other actor could have pulled of this role is a question. He also added
"Some actors did not accept this film. I cannot name or blame them. My film will certainly not elevate or boost their image. They may have realized this. So, there was no other option and I decided to smear the grease paint."
What a bunch of losers we have in TC. They can take their acting and shove it up in their a**.
Aswath Ram is a brilliant find and the boy did that with finesse. Snicks (Snigdha sweetly called) on her performance oriented role elevates her character to next level. Apart from these three, there are some interesting characters whom you will love them on screen. School Girl with tractor, Lorry driver, Tender coconut oldie, Jumbo roadies, Handicap and etc. Rohini as Myshkins mom!. Thats pretty daring mam.
Raja sir. Mottai motta thaniya. True Genius.
Mahesh backs the film (straight forward outdoor movie) with delightful cinematography. He has accompanied Myshkin for all the three previous films and he is here to stay. Khakin editing is apt. Rest all have done commendable job.
Kikkujiro :
I have seen Kikkujiro twice and Myshkin has accepted its partly inspired and partly from his own experience in life. Those who wanna talk about Plagiarism, there are too many people in indian cinema where you can lecture about. Had Takeshi Kitana (Lead Char and Dir of Kikkujiro) seen Nandalala, he would have hugged Myshkin with gratification.
Some cons though (which movie doesnt have :) )
Second half looses grip a bit and for a moment you are worried about ending. Though settled characters doesnt allow you to bother that.
Little boy recognizing his mom and comes back to Snicks, looked too hurry. It should have been poetic and melancholy. Though Myshin is a master in that, why did he miss that?
Some scenes had glimpse of boredom.
Final thoughts:
Its pure cinema, you have to experience the journey and you will tend to ask questions yourself after the movie. Its a big shame that this movie was lying in cans for 2 years. Dont hit the theatres with huge expectations, because its fairly a simple movie. Also remember to deliver a simple movie is the more complex thing. If your are avid lover of pure cinema go for it and not many people will like it (courtesy: eavesdropping @ cinema hall).
Daring Myshkin is bold enough to convey his thoughts through ree(a)l cinema. Auteurship at best.
Awaiting for Yudham Sei (his next movie)