If you are dreaming about the which place would be best for watching sunrise in india then the name of nandi hills acquire the top in the lists.It is located at about 68 to 70 km from bangalore .it is one of the best places to visit in south india .surrounded by hills and small mountains defines an amazing beauty of this place.the cloud above the mountains during sunrise feels your heart with huge pleasure and sheer joy.the moment when you see imagine it or not you will not forget that picture that will remain inside your heart forever.there are series of mountains.
All are covered with cloud and dews which appear in the way such that you find yourself inside the cloud.believe it or not when sunrise is about to take place all the sky will be scattered in red color and it seems a huge red colored ball is coming out from the narrow space between the hills.the cost of transportation is minimal.if you have your own vechile then you can easily visit when you want if you are staying in bangalore or nearby areas.but make sure one thing you have to be there before 1-2 hours before sunrise otherwise you miss it.there us a ticket counter on the hill whose charge is round 25-40 per individual.you have to buy the ticket first then you are allowed to have visit inside.one thing more dont forget to take your cameras with you so that you can capture the beauty of the place which will remain with you forever.
thank you!