I have recently bought a car from Popular Automatch. There were few problems with the car (like side view mirror was broken, auto lock was not working for one remote and manual for mp3 player), it me a month of followup to get things sorted for first two issues but the last one I am still fighting. They promise a lot but never fulfill their promises.
I have been following it up with them everyday and I get nothing else apart from pormise. Though the car is doing good in all other aspects, but service and support, courtesy and timeliness things are not there in their dictionary. Friends be aware and I suggest true value as couple of my friends have sold/bought cars from them. They are true professionals. Service at Popular sucks, they are ruining the name of Nandi toyota with whom they have a tie up. Their sales people will promise anything to sell the car, but once its sold they keep on promising but never deliver those things.