In these busy, materialistic and wealthy world, people have forgotten themselves, our mind thought has became so negative that we face daily problems and obstacles in our daily life, and always says and cry that our neighbors, friends, relatives even our family are bad they dont try to understand us, even I was also thinking almost like that but since when I started reading this books of NAPOLEON HILL "NAPOLEON HILLS KEYS TO POSITIVE THINKING" I really really changed my thoughts, a light of positivity developed in my mind, after reading only this I understand that why we are facing problem in our every situation, why our relation and love is hurting us, I will even request my friends to read this book only once.Once I was going my village and I bought this book from the station only for time passing, before reading this book, i had very difficulty in my relation and personal life but OMG after only reading this a miracle happened and I became a magnet for everyone.Please friends read it once You will surely like this book.