Napster is the without doubt the best free program you can pick up on the net.It has been in the news recently because of the court battle currently going on over the copywrite of the music.Everyone has broken the copywrite before by copying things such as cassettes to another one, so why should this be any different.
The qualitys are that you can get just about any song ever made of even genre.You can pick up modern chart music as well as older stuff from the 60s.
How it works is you download a song off somebodys computer and once it is on your computer somebody else can download it off you.The time taken to download can be a few minutes to 20 hour depending on your connection and the size of the song.Also you have the chance to chat to people all across the world about many subjects.
The only problem with the program is that if you are downloading a song and you or the host gets disconnected you cant pick up where you left off and you have to start again.
if you have a cd writer you also have the advantage of putting it on a cd so you can listen to it on your cd player.The site is 100% legal. the site is