1 Hospital, 1 Set of doctors and2 OPDs. Yes this is the scene at the very famous Narayana Hrudalaya. In this very hospital there are 2 OPDs. I have never seen a hospital offering two OPDs. One OPD is for ordinary registration where the consultation fee is around 350 rupee and farmers from karnataka under Yashaswini Scheme can consult the doctor.
Another OPD is called Executive OPD. This costs around Rs900 for registration where most of the rich fellows will go. The tag line for Executive OPD is Faster consultation, investigation and treatment. This is absolute non sense. The doctors are made to give priority to 2 Executive OPD patients when there are 20 ordinary OPD patients waiting for them. One should go and see the open differentiation this institute is doing with the patients. More over there is no time slots for Ordinary OPD. So whenever there are patients in Executive OPD, the doctor simply walks off from Ordinary OPD and sees the Executive OPD patients without giving a damn to the ordinary OPD patients.
A common Indian cannot afford to go and get treatment under Executive OPD . Every thing costs double there. My father and I were made to wait for 5 hours to meet the doctor but people who took Executive OPD registration were able to meet doctor within 1 hour even though they came only after many of ordinary OPD patients had come.
This is highly condemn-able because the institute has taken the Yashaswini scheme from the government that means the government supports the hospital to treat the poor farmers and pays for them in their behalf. The government also assumes that the hospital also delivers the same quality of treatment that is delivered to all the patients irrespective of how rich or how much they pay.
I hope some lawyer or some media hears my plea and take action on this and get this issue on to newspapers. Narayana Hrudayalaya is fast becoming a service which is totally unethical. I wonder does medical ethics permit the hospital to have two OPDs in same hospital.