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My Mother-in-law got admitted for heart valve replacement in Narayana Hirudayala. Dr devi Shetty himself mentioned to us that she can be operated safely with out issues (though he mentioned that 10 % risk is involved) and gave us false assurance that NH is the best hospital in replacing the heart valves and other hospitals are sending patients to NH valve replacement To our shock and astonishment, the operation failed miserably - she was operated 3 times with in a week for the same problem and the doctors vanished from the scene when the fatal end happened. Looks like this hospital is running purely on publicity and media support - on the ground, it is a nightmare for people to enter the place.
Please do thorough research and consult good doctors in various hospitals before taking a final call. Please check the mortality for NH - I am hearing that it is very high in NH. Please dont go by the media - Dr Shetty is an excellent PR person, dont get carried away by his statements in the media. I seriously doubt the capabilities of the doctors (Surgeons in Cardiology - Dr Binoy and Others) and the supporting staffs in the OT.