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Not sure which name suits this hospital best. Highly understaffed. Staff attitude is worst because they are over worked and no motivation. Will make you to solve the puzzle how to get admitted. While you are doing this you will start experiencing stress mentally. Heart normally with start racing. Came and booked a bed on Friday 24 March morning for 78 year old mother for 28 march and we were made to sit for 4 hours. Mom is diabetic and she had to be given food. Insurance desk is dangerous. If you have insurance go there. Else you will need hospitalisation after dealing with the crooks there. The agency asked them to write the policy number clearly and they have no way of knowing that there is a reply. We have to go and tell them to check their inbox and they are supremely skilled to send you away with the query making it look complex so that you are put their sight. Terrible dept. Overall a pathetic hospital which cannot qualify for treatment. Stay away.