Nalco is a good company, if not great. It’s a Navaratna company; benefits are only second to oil companies like IOCL, ONGC, BPCL, etc.
One would get good exposure on aluminium production business (if not posted in power plant), specially young fresh engineers. If posted at their power plant, try to get out, because life would then become very stereotyped and stagnancy will occur in knowledge growth as well as career.
Although working in their power plant is as good as that of a white-collar job, but it has no thrill, challenge and thus no development in knowledge. But then, their power plant is a great place to study and prepare for MBA, IAS, etc. (if one desires so).
Coming back to their other plants like smelter, mine, refinery; these places have their own goods and bads. If one is posted at mine, it is advisable to switchover to other jobs or companies. Because it’s a remote place and sometimes one could become very lonely. Although natural beauty of the surroundings is great and quality of experience is quite valuable in the job market, there is hardly any enjoyment, means no cinema hall, restaurants, parks, pubs, beautiful girls, broadband internet, etc.
Similar situation in the case of refinery. Both are adjacent, with a common township, located at damanjodi, very remote and inaccessible. But it is a nice place for people who love to lead a solitude life and one who loves to live in the lap of Mother Nature, away from so called civilised society.
Things are better for people who are working in their smelter and power plant (both are situated at Angul, with a common township) due to the proximity to Bhubaneswar. Also Angul is a little bit more developed than damanjodi. So, one could expect basic facilities. But then Angul is more polluted and hotter place.
Workplace is good in general; Nalco is an employee-friendly and employee-welfare-minded company. But union people are very bad. They can make your work-life pretty hell, because they get great money and do not want to work, accountability is nil.
Since it’s a remote place, things are cheaper and enjoyment is limited, one can save good amount of money. HRD policies are not very sound. There is a crisis in the middle-management level, because of stagnancy in the upper level, after all, not every body can be a DGM or GM, but everybody wants to, so lots of dissatisfaction.
But since it’s comparatively a young PSU, things are not very messed-up. Again, since NALCO has a growth plan in coming years (like they want to open up facilities in abroad or other parts of country), people can see some silver lines. People are very simple and down-to-earth in Orissa, so one can expect good hospitality there.
Overall, it is indeed a good place to work with, but try to switch over before reaching mid-management level or try to be in the happening departments, where you can get chance to be in the limelight. Enjoy your stay @ NALCO.