Is this the time to unite together and protest for the abrupt hike in fees? Is anyone foreseeing that if this increase of 30% is happening every year, where will it end up?
In this critical situation of economic slowdown, is it not the responsibility of the school management to cooperate with the parents. ELSE most of the parents will think to switch over from this school.
Although NCFE is earning a good reputation in Bangalore, but this doestnt mean that the management should misutilise the things and try to scratch from the parents..........
Hoping for good response from all the parents. All should unite together to put in front of the management and show the strength of ourselves.. Everyone is trying to provide their wards the best of education and no doubt in getting the good education from the school for our wards. It is taking care of the students in each and every step to groom the student so that he/she becomes quitre confident in the scociety