In the survival of favoured individuals and races, during the constantly-recurring struggle for existence, we see a powerful and ever-acting form of selection. ~~ Charles Darwin
A man said to the universe: Sir, I exist! However, replied the universe, That fact has not created in me A sense of obligation. ~~ Stephen Crane
>> >> >INTRODUCTION<< << <
National Geographic is an outstanding magazine. A Monarch for its category, this virtuosi magazine is just consummate and unparalleled. Each of the articles is a splendor by itself. Each of them so good, that they ought to be in the Smithsonian Museum right after their publication. The photographs are the best in the world for its clarity, perfection and the message they deliver. Some of the pictures are so daunting and mesmerizing that they are coded in our memories forever. No wonder that National Geographic photographers are the most revered amongst all. National Geographic is not just about Geography and Photography. It has surpassed that segregation a long while ago National Geographic is a refreshing magazine. Intellectually heartening and visually vivacious, this treasure is something that makes an eager nature lover’s day a filling one.
I started reading National Geographic while I was in College. As I had no means to subscribe to this rightfully expensive magazine at that time, I had to read it in the library. I happened to have an excellent library (SIMA) in the city I was born and bred in (See my review on coimbatore), where they had some exceptional magazines in store. NG was one of the best everyone looked forward to. The fell in love with this magazine the moment I read the first article. I happened to be out of touch for a while after I joined my job and I happened to get a subscription at a discounted price in US, after my arrival here. Now and then, I spend quite a while reading this master-piece of work. Though we have channels and online versions, there is nothing like reading the glossy print version.
>> >> >HISTORY OF NG<< << <
National Geographic Society was conceptualized in Jan 13, 1888 by 33 travelers visiting Washington DC (See my review on DC also!!). This group had some excellent cartographers, geographers, teachers, litigators and well learned. A fortnight later they incorporated NG officially. GG Hubbard initially financed due to his means. After 9 months the first child was delivered. After 115 years, it is still going strong and is still captivates its unique audience. This society originally formed to ‘to increase and diffuse geographic knowledge’, started to include other aspects in the magazine in a right way as per the demands of the subscribers, in a beautiful way.
Since then, it has blossomed into a perennial beauty of a magazine and is continuing its never-ending journey in both print as well as the online mediums.
>> >> >CONTENTS & MY ANALYSIS<< << <
NG consists of many sections meeting the needs of many of the subscribers. All the magazines consist of the following sections, in no particular order per edition
->Adventures and Exploration – This consists of historical explorations and adventures such as the Lewis and Clark, Mount Everest Expedition, Trip to Antartica etc etc. These are so beautifully picturized and the articles that are associated with it are equally good. The most liked article/series they ever published under this category is the “Lewis & Clark Expedition”.
->Animals & Nature< - This is about the wildlife and Nature. This is the most liked feature by many. The pictures are so perfect and they put even the minutest of an insect in a grandeur fashion with their lenses. The corresponding articles by zoologists, biologists and corresponding -ists associated with the field of study write some outstanding article to support the pictures and vice versa.
->History and Culture - This is my favorite section. Where will else you know about civilizations and history along with the culture of the world with photos and research that will make sure you never forget the story till your death? NG is totally classy in this aspect. Some of the ever-green and favorite ones are “Mysteries of Egypt”.
->Maps and Geography - This is what the magazine was originally intended for. This feature is still classy and continues to cover some of the picturesque spots and comes up with great maps that will be useful for you, if you were to visit the place.
->News - To cover a larger audience and to feed the subscribers with its own share of excellent news, this feature, which is one of the most popular section, was introduced. This is a great one to get some unbiased opinion from well-learned scholars
->Travel - This is a classy section that contains travel related information and some exceptional travel tips and guides. This is also a relatively well-sought after article by many of the subscribers
->Photography - Everyone’s Favorite. The National Geographic photographers are unparalleled. It is a honor every photographer in the world dreams to achieve. This pinnacle of photographers bring to your eyes the kaleidoscopic images you can’t even dream of. Obviously this is the most favorite one for many.
Let me take this month’s edition. This is to let you know what and how great the information they provide us with. It comes with the following features
->Untouchables – Discrimination against the lower castes and the violent reprisals. A touching story
->Baghdad Before Bombs – A great photo feature about this great city
->Harbor Porpoise Rescue – An attempt by scientists and Fishermen t9o save this cetacean
->Peru’s Highway of Dreams – A feature about amazonia connection with pacific and the ecological ruins
->Killer Caterpillars – An analysis on stealth, seductive caterpillars using brute force
->Masters of Gold – A historical perspective about Scythian Horsemen
->Boundary Waters Summer – American Landscape detailing Northern Minnesota
This variety of articles touching their core topics and detailing it to perfection is a classy act. I have never seen or read a magazine that is so perfect in depth, research, facts and analysis. After all, it is done by some of the greatest minds of the world.
My relationship with this magazine has been so excellent so far that I wish to continue the same without thinking even for a second to think about a second-thought. This is some magazine that I look forward to every month like a kid in a candy store, to be frank. I would certainly recommend this to all. If you ask me if there is a job I would love to have, besides the one I have now, I would say “National Geographic Photographer” in a flash.
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I hope you liked the review. Comments are welcome
The sublimity of wisdom is to do those things living, which are to be desired when dying. ~~ Jeremy Taylor