I use to have a subscription the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Magazine. I save every issue because this Magazine is to special. It is published once a month.
I liked it because the pictures are amazing and every article has been well researched. They include the history and a map about what the article is about.
It kept me up to date on what was new in the Ecology, (in the air, plants, oceans and the wildlife).
There is always an article about the Culture or Religion of people. At least one travel review is included as well.
There have been two articles on Edmonton, (one about the City and the other about my Friend, Jack Cs collection of antique Cars and Motorcycle).
When you open the Magazine your lap will not be full on drop our ad cards. Inside the Magazine there are very few ads.
There is always interesting sayings and information from Processionals, (my Dermatologist wrote a quip).
I saved every issue until we moved to Victoria and then I had to give them away. From time I still bought a Magazine and it continued to be wonderful.
It is easy to find this Magazine on the Magazine Rack because it is a bright yellow color. Below the National Geographic title there is always a wonderful photograph.
I have learn about the vanishing Prairie Dog, traveling Australia on a bike, Ancient Roman shipwrecks, the Rogelap Atoll and the Ozark Mountains.
There are always shorter article is a section called Behind The Scenes. These might be about Collectable items, a new Image Data Base or something new about Owls.
The Editor always writes an article about the issues that are important in this Magazine. The Form is what they call their Letters to the Editor. I find I can learn a lot by reading them.
In the Geographic section there are short articles about the Civil War in the USA, a new Statue that was found in Troy and made during the Trojan War or you can learn how to throw a Spear.
The Earth Almanac section has short articles to keep you up to date on what is happening in the Ocean, Earth and Sky.
The last page is called Flashback. There is a black & white picture that was photographed by a famous Photographer accompanied by a paragraph that tells you why they took this from their Archives.
The National Geographic is a Society and you can join and get a discount on their Magazines. I paid $50.00 CAD for my membership, 12 Magazines and some Maps.
A few years ago we bought a Computer and one day I was browsing and found NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC on the net!
It has all the articles the Magazine has but includes a lot more. For example there is a link for Children and a place you can down load a few wall papers for your Computer.
The site changes every time a new issue comes out. If youd like to look at it the link is:
I will continue to buy NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC when I see an article I would like to read.