I go to buy a Yamaha saluto in this showroom in march 17.
I asked one of a worker is it in stock or not?
He said he didnt know about stocks n refer me to another person.
This person behaves like hes a busiest person in this showroom, he havent enough time to listen my enquiries, after answered my few questions he call an another worker to handle my queries.
This person was a financier he started to telling me about finance facilities,
Bt I was go to buy the bike in cash.so I asked him about discount n others,
but he said only the manager is able to help me in this matter, bt he wasnt present that time.
So I asked if any another person who able to hlp me about this matter then plz call, he said me plz sit n wait Im try to arrange some one.
Bt after 20min waiting he didnt came to me again with any one.
Then Im returned from this showroom n purchased my bike from another Yamaha showroom.