This is my first marathi movie review. Simply cause this movie is definitly a gud watch n overwhelmes me enough to praise it so. Most movies are shallow comedies or having repetitive and predictable plot or highly political.
This is one of the rarest master piece in the history of Marathi cinema. It really had a fresh new concept in all the movies made till date on Tamasha concept. Also in most of the marathi movies Tamasha is shown as a shallow form of entertainment. With the vamps and Nilu Phules in place, they appear to be somewhat similar to the mausi and Umrao Jaans of hindi cinema. But this one treats the subject differently and actually brings forth that Tamasha is finally a form of art and good amount of talent and hardwork goes in it.
Atul Kulkarni takes the movie to an altogether different level, he metamorphosizes finely from a macho personality to that of a gayish manner. The transition is not just evident in his acting, but also in his physique. He has actually gained n lost weight as well as muscles in a very short span to bring alive the character. He steals away the show n accolades. The movies owes its success to him.
The songs are well composed Lavanis and the coreography also appears to be different, as in the songApsara. The songs are a rage amongst the marathi crowd.
Its a gud entertainer and reminds me of Pinjra by V. Shantaram.