Being into IT industry, becomes a necessary portal for us to refer. It is one of the most popular website today for all kinds of naukri in India. Especially for the IT professionals as it covers 35% (as they claim it) of jobs and resumes from this industry. Over the years it is indeed a big achievement for them to reach millions of people worldwide. Kudos to Mr. Sanjiv and team for the same.
It is a good portal for job seekers and other people who are searching for candidates. But I would rate this as second place after other portals like jobsahead and monster which are better in quality. Letz look at some pros and cons of the website.
Posting: A free resume posting for all. This makes them more popular. Though they have options for more better quality responses which are paid and can be tried once a while.
Design and Layout: Oflate they have improved their design and layout. Also change in fonts have helped in the looks of the homepage. Though there is still the chance of improvement
Homepage: To many links are placed on the homepage which sometimes makes it difficult to browse certain required details.
Quality: The quality and number of resumes are not that great. It is difficult to find people with rare skills.
Search: Search engine of this website is not a good experience. For eg: If you insert Software Engineer two words it will give you the result of all those pages which consist the word Software and Engineer. This results in not the accurate information required and demands a good amount of time.
Vacancies: The number of ads for jobs on this portal looks to be less in numbers as compared to other websites.
Speed: Fairly speed and displays the pages in no time. (Though depends on the connection too)
All in all, still it is a recommended website for all the job seekers to get breakthrough. Initially gives a good experience.