I am a user of Naukri.com. Its a nice website. Its having a good database and its covering almost all the areas. But the problem is with the emails. They keep on sending the emails of seminars, workshops. Sometimes it comes so regular that its difficult to check all the mails.
And the second problem for which, I hope, the Naukri.com should not be responsible, is the agencies. Some times they job shown in the ad and the actual job has a lot of differnces. If Naukri.com is checking all the things then they need to check it also, They might give problems to the candidates. Can some some give an Idea what should we suggest to the Naukri. com to do for the checking?
Some thing which I had always tried to do is to get the exact job of my kind, I had got very few through the Automated mail system. Where as the keywords are specific there.
About the place specific jobs, They sends all the jobs from the places in all India catagory but when we open it up it shows the company is needing someone from a specific city. When I had given the details of like Graduation in Education I dont get the jobs for the Any graduate although I get the mails of the Masters and engineering.
So friends please tell me what should we suggest to a website which is having all the good data from all over India and such a nice working website then where the problem is and how to sort it out? I / We dont need all the information in the website as it keeps us busy to check out but we need small data which should be usefull for us. It should be a nice mail rather them SPAM.
I hope this small Review will get some responses.