Like any other service portal this also started several years ago. Gradually with time the pent up greed came to surface and they started money making strategies from all sides with least interest in providing the service they originlly started for. Now the moment you upload your resume on the portal several phone calls from all directions start bothering you- each with a new kind of "service": 1) for "promoting" your resume to top for better chances of being viewed by the recruiters. 2) For having "shortlisted" your CV for some important positions in top companies, 3) For arranging interviews and so on. Even the suit is followed by their so called "emloyers" almost 50% of them are fake companies promoted by jobless people sitting across the country who first post lucrative jobs with real like job descriptions, the moment you apply they call you over phone and after a few sweet talks try to extract money for arranging interviews or call you for a "Walk-in" preliminary interview with their so called MD. If your reach in person for the MD interview there also after a few sweet talks they try all tricks to extract money for a job which never existed. There is no reference check by the portal for the genuineness of their "employer" clients and applicants are open to various frauds posing as employers. There is a disclaimer below every message from or through the portal which says that they are not responsible for any employer firms acts.