Goody goody words and commitments before payment and soon one should realise that his/ her effort and money are all in vain. Pathetic service and sick people out there.
I had burnt my fingers. Opted for their service looking at their market share in India. Soon fell prey talking to one of the executive. The first draft which arrived lately(on repeated calls and requests) was pathetic or should I say non sense. I realised that the time was running fast. Hence I myself developed my CV as per the market demand and my expertise and asked them to float the same. Even this took a week long time, ultimately to see shabby CV floated(In spite of spoon fed CV)
Its almost 2 months now.yet fighting for my right.
Baba Ramdev should assist me in this case as well.
Shame you people. Soon you shall be out from the market, if you do not take initiative and action. Be aware, dont ever play foul with potential people in India.