Hey everyone
I am going to review naukri.com
It is a site which clams that if you sign in there and make your profile than companies came in contact to you and you got job oppourtunity but my experence is just opposite.This site is flooded with lots of consultancy firms who take the info from this site and contact you, when you reached at interview site than you realized that there is not firm available.There is only consultancy who wants money from your pocket on the name of job providing fee and many other cheap excuses were made by them for convencing you.
Service & Support - both were very poor this site is just waste of time.many of times you got mailed like your CV or resume is selected for BPO.What is that man every time my resume is selected for BPO only.I think they are incresing there traffic and earn money by showing ads on there web site or nothing else.
Content & Desing - The site is full of ads and BPO jobs only.Many of jobs listed on there sites are fake when you applied for job than you share your resume with consuntancy and in last you got a big zero in your hand.
A big NO to naukri.com( if you have extra time to spend than go for it but if you are genious enough than I think save your time find anothers options)
Conclusion - my view is very clear this site is just waste of time.Dont go for it.