Last about I paid about 200000 for the database resdex for a year( IT & non IT) and on this there were download limits on the user ids which we never reached. I guess that was put to restrict people downloading resumes for non recruitment purposed. With a team of 18, we have downloaded/reviewed 300000 resumes in 8 months and placed about 500 candidates. Not bad by our standards as we do mid to senior to mid level placements.
Now Naukri in order to increase their revenues that is charging the same amount for 50000 resumes viewed. So even if you take 10 ids, you are allowed only 50000 views. Sounds like the more you pay, the less you get. This is plain hucksterism, but then Naukri and monster is known for their arm twisting ways and Timesjobs can never get their act together!