I start this article with appreciating the concept behind the job hunting service provider naukri.com. However, I am extremely disappointed after seeing the true face of their services. In this article, I will try to explain you the real picture behind this so called numero uno job portal.
Let’s take a look at their services one by one. One of their primary services is known as Resume* Development. In this service resume is developed by a person known as developer. Developers at naukri.com are more of a copy- paste (CtrlC - CtrlV) kind of computer operators. I believe no two people are identical hence; no two resumes can be identical.
So, if you feel you are different then its better you make your own resume. Moreover, each consultant prefers a different format for resume. My advice here would be that, in your resume give as much information possible in few words.
Second service is known as Resume Display. This service, it is told that the resume is displayed on priority basis to the prospective employers. To the best of my knowledge, many unpaid
members get their resume on front pages than their paid counterparts.
This shows the inefficiency of their software.
Third service is known as Job Mails.
This service provides you with relevant jobs in the market. The problem
here is you only get jobs which are less than 5% relevant. (I wonder
how this service sends sales jobs to CAs and finance guys)
Another service is known as Resumes to 1000 consultants/gulf consultants.
In this service, resume is sent to 1000 consultants (I hope they send
to 1000) irrespective of your specialization or the consultant
requirement. This means even if you are looking out jobs in
manufacturing sector still your resume will be sent to consultants
recruiting for sales or call centers.
I have seen so
many people who put their hard earned money to get their dream job ends
in dejection. It is a true case of playing with the sentiments of
people. The need of the hour is awareness. So, don’t waste your time
and money on such things. If you are good, then the employer will find
you no matter wherever you exist. Remember you cannot hide talent it is
just like a candle light in a dark room.
I firmly
believe their services are far below industry standards and if you have
taken naukri.com services and you are dissatisfied with their services,
you can lodge a complaint in consumer court for a full refund and
More in the next article….