If you are any good with English and have an eye for detail, do yourself a favor and do NOT purchase this service from Naukri.
I purchased the top-end of this service portfolio and am completely unhappy with their quality. Their first cut was just terrible, filled with typos, factually incorrect statements(despite having my resume as reference), and just high-sounding but completely unnecessary adjectives. To their credit, after I gave them a strong feedback, they immediately called back and promised to have a senior person work on my resume.
Even their second version was quite bad, continuing the same mistakes as earlier. I got fed up and told them that I want money-back and red-lined their version. Needless to say, almost every single line had a mistake. Then, this time, one of their even-more senior person called me, apologized, and promised to fix the situation. Their 3rd cut too isnt any better.
So, I am back from where I started. I now continue to use my original resume. Its just not worth the money because their resume writers all seem to be young, inexperienced, and can only copy/paste "nice sounding, but bogus" English phrases from their stock resumes.
If, however, you are not too confident about your English-writing skills and dont have even a remote sense for how to present a resume, this servicemight be useful; otherwise, just avoid this purchase.
[Naukri guys: If you are monitoring this forum, I really hope you will do the decent thing and refund the money. As you yourself can see and have admitted, my initial resume is much better than all your attempts at rewriting it. Thanks!]