Ktm showroom, in mumbai there are five showrooms of ktm. But navi mumbai ktm showroom is the biggest show room. This is alsi the first show room in maharastra. Now deamand for the ktm is very high. So that it is a very busy agency compared to any other bike of showroom.
And lot pepole of bikes comes to ask bike. So it as a lot if deamnd. So that is a big problem to a coustermer that they are not probably giving any full information and not giving time with the coustermers and most of us they do not respect coustermer and make lot time to give the bike and they show lot attitude to coustermer. The do treat the coustermer as per they should.
That the managementvsays coustermer is the king, but navi maumbais ktm agency does not treat this principal or they do follow this principal and the main thing is they are making to issue the records of bike, so that navi mumbai ktm shiw room has lot of scope to improve themselves