How I wish something like this as shown in the movie could be possible , even enough if it was for a day ...
The movie plot is amazing , Anil Kapoor is a T.V. camera man and is promoted to an cheif repoter and has been asked to take the interview of the C.M.played by Amrish Puri , its during the interview when things begin to heat up between them , u feel that yes this is what all of us would like to ask our C.M. about his efforts in just stopping what is delebrately let on, but I guess its so inexorable in our Indian Govt., Its then when the C.M all excited about the alegations against him defies the repoter to become the C.M and see if he can do the same as he is questioning the C.M on, and guess what ? he can and he does.
But then what after that one day ? does everything go back to the same or it gets better or it gets worst ? for the answer go watch the very well made movie NAYAK. Thou Rani is in a thankless role she has done her job well.
Songs are only average 2 of them r good while the others r okay. Overall they go with the scenes so no problem.
The ending of the movie is too good to be true ...and ultimately ONE HAS TO BECOME A POLITICIAN TO BE IN POLITICS U CANNOT BE A COMMON MAN AND RULE THE NATION.
A must watch for all the Indians cos this is definetly as we would want india to be .