I ordered a micromax funbook on 6th april 2012 with full payment upront, the tentative date of recieving was posted as 13th April on their website, till 16th it wasnt shipped. The status on ncarrys website still shows as awaiting dispatch. The support people did not have any information and gave me an incorrect trackin gnumber, for this they were blaming aramex. No one picks call, I had to try for hours together to contact them, emailed them and yet to receive any information. Their support sucks, they have no courtesy or information regaing their own system.
I am yet recieve the product but hopping will recieve it after confirmation from aramex. the attitude shown by ncarry support people is higly unprofessional. Hope some one from Ncarrry sees this review and corrects themselves or people planning from NCARRY see it and refrain from buying it thru ncarry.