NDTV had been a channel; I had been always hooked to it from the very beginning.
But lately I am getting a feeling that they are overdoing it. In the recent past they are after sensationalizing any issue. Of course some sting operations are always welcome to bring the truth to the public. Same as these racer sharp interviews by star reporters are great.
But somewhere in between I think they are trying to score over other channels by way of over sensitizing some issues. Although there are many areas in which both parties can have one mind, they are bend on making sure that the focus shifts to the extreme points both party holds. Instead of finding an amicable solution to a matter, they are making sure that matter got more publicity and more viewers to the channel. So there is a conscious effort by them to make the divide or the difference of opinion even wider, by way of concentrating on those points, which there will be great difficulty in consensus.
So they do quiz the leaders of different parties in dispute on the very points that they can?t see eye to eye and somehow extracts (they are the best in this business) the fiery statement from one leader and goes with this statement to the leader of other fraction opposed to it. Naturally the reaction also will be in same coin. Thus they can get headlines and breaking news 24*7.
Of course they are getting a wider audience, but they are actually unknowingly instrumental in creating mistrust in communities. I think they are resorting to these kinds of techniques to stand ahead to the number of news channels coming. But I think media should rise above revenue generation alone and do think in the long-term interests of the society. Creating sensational breaking news, will be good for more revenue from advertisement, but ultimately the scars caused by these divisions take far more time to heal.
Part ? 2
Some anchors are going to any length to sensationalizing the news
Barkha Duta my most favorite hanger till recently is seen over doing it. In interviews she doesn?t have the patience to listen fully to the person who is answering. Once you asked a question its prudent to wait till interviewee complete the answer. But Barkha, interrupts frequently and for that even put her hand on the interviewee to stop from making their point. If any chance the interviewee is able to make his/her point, and that point is a counter to sensationalizing an issue, she completely ignores that point, and keeps on digging into past wounds and make the division between two fractions more wide. After all they need to run their channel 24*7 with sensational news, so that advertisers would be willing to pay more.
Their main aim is more and more revenue at any cost. Some of the anchors are so good at acting in front of camera, that their voice cords and facial expressions, portrays emotions in required quantities as instructed. Barkha is a master in this business, and goes so far as breaking down in front of camera as if grieved by the situation. Some times it do goes to the level of overacting. Everyone is not a good actor like Barkha duta, especially new recruits. New recruits should be given adequate training in histrionics/acting before being allowed to face the camera.
Although I had said this about Barkha, most other anchors were also seen towing this line. Yes those giving instructions on what need to be asked/ignored do give live instructions through the earphone while they are asking questions.
NDTV channels occupied the first 3 spots in our TV until now. Now, Baring business channel, 2 other NDTV channel positions are shifted by us. We can?t put this venom to be injected frequently. Only if something really sensational happens we do check back to ndtv because their resources are phenomenal and do gets wider coverage.
P.S - While there are sporadic rains they walk in the rain with out umbrella and faces the camera, where as there is no need for that. Wonder what would be the script writers of NDTV planning for rainy season this time?.