I torn off my Peter Drucker immediately the moment I felt that Im addicted to NDTV 24x7. Its me, Mr. F. i.e. Mr. Failure!!!
Autobiography of a failed candidate at Management Entrance Exams
Mr. F on persuing MBA
I always fantasized to be an MBA in my life. I thought it would bring me all the three Ws that everybody crave for. Three Ws are Wine, wealth and women. During my graduation, my professors always guided me that how an MBA is perceived to be the best Qualification in the industry ! I started out preparing for the MBA entrance tests. My aunt gifted me the Management Geets wrote by Peter Drucker. Although, I could not understand anything at that stage, I put it lower down in my study storage.
I took the Management entrance exam with much preparation and it went well for me. Meanwhile, I started to read the peter drucker and other management books to make sure that Im ahead of my class....but that D day dawned and I fould that I could not make it thru the test....my dreams were shattered.
Mr. F ... alternatrives after failure
My mom and dad helped me to come out of the distress. I thought to give it other try next year... Meanwhile, I decided to strenghten my basics of management by reading the books of management gurus. Since, I became a homeworm, I started to tune onto television more often. My friends told me to hog onto the English newschannels to improve my english. I banged onto NDTV 24x7 , the only quality english news-channel in India
Mr. Fs tryst with NDTV 24x7 and Management Books
Im an articulate person. I like someone who speaks to the point, takes everything in his stride, manages the team very well and hits the last nail in the coffin in the conclusion. I bumped onto Pranoy Roy . Pranoy is the poster-boy of Indian news industry. His emregence from the early days of The World This Week in Doordarshan era via the star News route to his own news channel is something I like. For a management aspirant like me Pranoy symbolises struggle in the beginning and rise to the Top. His top connections with whos who of all Indian arena symbolises his personal charisma.
Although, Im articulate, Im a dominating person and like to have a command over the situation. My communication and english lingo was very poor. This used to disturb me when I used to fight with someone in english, I ended up arguementing in Hindi. My management gurus taught me that English is the only lingo used in the Boardrooms. Boardrooms reminded me of heated discussions, cruel politics, cross questioning and putting our points thru.
I started watching another sex-symbol of indian newschannel i.e. Rajdeep Sardesai. The way he attacks his matter from the beginning and pushes him on the backfoot taught me some crucade ways of winning. The Big Fight conducted by Rajdeep which brings various leaders face to face alongwith the audience gave me the exact feeling of the board-rooms. My gestures are now pretty improved and I can really go on for a kill, right from the moment, I start discussion. Rajdeep, hats off to u
My books told me that although u aim for win, u never win. So prepare to occupy the second seat and do justice to ur job. Try to be knowledged, be sensible. Do what exactly ur leader do... Be a good team player. I admired Vikram Chandra and Arnob Goswami for being good team players.
Im always fighting for my fellow people. I always show a human face for any ghastly situation and try to pacify the people. I basically like to interact with people and try to solve their problems by sympathising with them. I banged on Barkha Dutt. Barkhas never say Die attitude for fighting for people in We, the people ignited sime kind of patriotism in me.
My gurus always told me to have some liason with the great people to learn about their personality, the way they overcome good.bad situations. Walk the Talk fulfills my need for this.
All the books say y need finande to run the business. NDTV arranged a VC funding in the beginning, attracted quality advertisers. Recently came out with an IPO and sold it successfully
Although, the contents of this channel are more of a political character. They have also other programs like Doctor NDTV(Health show), NDTV Cooks (Cookery show), Night Out (Page 3 parties). This is what is referred as diversification in my books.
This is a Management school only...well...they dont provide u with campus placement. But they improve ur knowledge, ur communication and the way u manage ur business
I still stand by my decision to tear apart the Peter Drucker book !
Mr. F concludes....