One would have imagined athat NDTV Imagine which is karan johars newest
baby would arleast boast of serials which spoke of quailty and
programming that is innovative. Alas that is not so.
What is happening is that he has taken the Sameer Nair and Shailaja
kejriwal combination from Star plus( as informed by tabloids) who are infamous for their Balaji
affiliation and responsible for the onslaught of K serials on indian
television which have ruined viewer tastes forever.
These channel heads
now have shamelessly REPEATED the same genre of programming as in Star
Plus. e.g. one soap catering to Gujarat, one reality, one mother and
daughter and so on. It is so pathetic that its laughable.especially
Radha ki Teen betiyaan or some such. Its so cliched it makes you puke.
Why cannot these so calles creative heads find the spunk to whip up new
fare? It is totally a case of TRps or rather manipulated TRPs at ant
cost to hold on to their fat pay checks plus perks which include paid
for holidays by hapless producers and the additional fun of kicking the
producers as and when they feel like it.
If only there could be a channel ready to run at a loss but provide
serails which speak of entertainment in its right meaning. soon these
morons like sameer nair etc from all channels would have to follow
Till then sit back and glazedly watch NDTV Imagine and get bored to