I remember watching Prannoy Roy on a weekly program called “THE WORLD THIS WEEK” on the DD channel. I would never miss this program. The only program on DD which was very professional and informative too. It was very boring to watch DD news, with its typical presentation style and much irritating intro music. NDTV changed the face of the news on Doordarshan channel.
After which for the long time never to be seen, NDTV made entry into Star TV with it 24 hours new channel. Prannoy Roy continued his tradition of pure news with its world class touch to the new presentation. NDTV has the best trained new readers and with utmost clarity, especially the English reader.
The best part of the news is when the responsible politician and the opposition leader are invited on the news desk and cross questioned about the issue. Programmes such as “We the people” and the “Big fight” are sure not to be missed. Of course sometime the topics discussed were silly. These programmes give the audience to cross question the leaders and put across their views to the government. Rajdeep Sardesai does an excellent job of balancing the discussion and not letting the issue go off the track.
Apart from the news NDTV has done a fairly good job in presenting the budget analysis with its panel of responsible people in the respective fields. Other programs like the Star Talk, Limelight, Business news and the Sports news are great.
Over all I will rate NDTV 8 out of 10 for its commendable job in the field of news and news presentation. Where all the other new channels go gaga over their coverage NDTV still is the leader in the news segment.