I would be singling out NDTV for poor reporting as I have a great regard for the channel and its reporters.
This is in connection with the reporting of the Mumbai blasts Yday.There was a lot of mis reporting by NDTV and other channels.They were reporting 4 blasts instead of 2 and even after more than a Hour after the catastrophe they werent on scene and were busy reporting Mayawatis antics in UP.
Have the reporters and news channels have hit such depths of bankruptcy that they have to give such a wide coverage to Mayawatis antics and histronics at a time when 50 people lie dead in Indias Hub.
One good thing I have to Say that later in the day NDTV was objective in its coverage compared to the other channels which almost treated the whole catastrophe like a entertainment event.
I think our news channels have a long way to go if they have to earn teh respect of people.where is teh investigative journalism of the past?