Let’s face it. When you enter a movie hall to watch ‘Neal and Nikki’, you’re expecting the worst. The movie lives up to such expectations and how!
What do you get when you throw in an oversized beefcake, plant next to him a skimpily clad wannabe and pepper it with irritating, non-funny characters?
A recipe for Neal and Nikki! The movie, which can be best described as a confused effort, puts your patience and sensibilities to the acid test. You come out of the theatre asking for less, which is if you’re among the brave hearts who could even endure 3 hours of such nonsensical cinema.
Moreover, the movie is a horrific description of the younger generation, which definitely has more to it than steroid-induced muscles and popping cleavages. Uday Chopra and Tanisha should realize that even spending every waking hour in the gym is not going to make them stars. As for Yash Raj sponsoring this movie, I think they should brush it off as ‘unnecessary family expenditure’ and start afresh!
The acting? Well, to be honest, there is none! Plot? Once again! None! Direction? What’s that all about?Overall rating: !%@.%#^&@.!@.^@. Go watch Neal and Nikki if you have absolutely nothing else to do with your time. On second thought, watch grass grow instead. Even that’s a better way to spend 3 hours!