Firstly, believe it or not, I actually liked this movie. It was different from your run-on-the-mill boy-meets-girl fare. It has also got to be the dumbest movie Ive ever watched!! It has no story line to speak of and the actors are to put it nicely, appalling!! There was too much skin shown for no reason, and Uday as the Canadian born Indian was the worst. When I saw the promos I thought wow, another YashRaj entertainer, especially since it looked so fresh and young and Id just seen Hum Tum for the 100th time. What, you ask, did I like about this movie then? Well, lets deal with the plot and cast before we get to that.
Basic Story:
Neal, a Canadian born Indian is getting married in 21 days and requests daddy to let him go to Vancouver for 21 days of debauchery. Daddy agrees and off Neal goes to get lucky 21 times in Vancouver. enter model Kristine, Neal gets a date and then we meet Nikki. Loud alcoholic prostitute (oh yes, she only dresses and acts like one, she really isnt). Neal n Nikki set off on the wrong foot and a song later Neal is taking Nikki to a hotel. They fight, they bicker and of coz the rest is pretty much predictable.
Now the cast:
Uday Chopra-Neal: Oh my gosh someone shoot him please! He overacted, sounded ghastly and taking off your top does NOT equal good acting skills. There were bits where I actually did enjoy his character, but those were few and far between. And seriously, he should go a little easy on the make up, that lipstick was distracting and I did not want to be looking at his lips instead of the movie! I thought he tried too hard and only came off as fake.
Tanisha - Nikki: Lets face it, being the sister of one of b/woods most prominent actresses to date is no easy act to follow. I felt she went over the top at times, but was pretty funny in some scenes, i.e the corkscrew scene and when she attacks Neal in his house about the tramps hes been with.
The other cast did not leave much of an impression, except for Abishek Bachchans sp. appearance, but then again, that is a biased statement, I certainly noticed him.
On the whole, the movie was quite entertaining, and regardless of the vulgarities, which I did not think there were many, it came off as a fresh new outlook on todays youth and how they view sex. Come on lets face it, not many young people these days are your conservative demure Ill do anything you ask damsels in distress. I liked the direct approach to everything, I particularly found the are you a virgin conversation funny. I just dont understand how being hip and happening so to speak had to be depicted by the lack of dress on Nikkis part because I didnt find it particularly sexy. And less-is-more does not apply to clothing as well.